---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Date: Fri, May 27, 2016 at 5:54 AM Subject: Facebook Messages History [ InTheMindway James Driskill and Sammie Francher ] To: Sammie.francher@fuckeduphuman.net, sammie.giovanni.francher@fuckeduphuman.net- Conversation started April 21, 2015
4/21, 2:57am
 - April 21, 2015
4/21, 2:44pm 4/21, 3:15pmJames DriskillA flyer for a group in San Francisco. I'm thinking of starting one here locally
- April 21, 2015
4/21, 7:40pmSammie FrancherOh ok kool. What kind of group
4/21, 7:41pm 4/21, 7:41pm 4/21, 7:45pmJames DriskillWelll..
I think I mentioned this already to you. The post is from Isaac Jackson
and he rums the SF chapter of this movement called Drug Users Union.
4/21, 7:46pm 4/21, 7:48pmJames DriskillI
was sharing his latest post regarding it -' a flyer for their message. I
do belive they also have free pizza -- according to an earlier month
flyer. I know that is in San Francisco.. but I was just sharing an ideal
4/21, 7:49pm 4/21, 8:00pmJames DriskillGlad
you think that is awesome. Keith Jones apparently unfriended me here on
Facebook for sharing that flyer image. Woe.. ignorance is sure bliss to
4/21, 8:14pm 4/21, 8:23pm 4/21, 8:23pm- May 3, 2015
5/3, 1:56pm- June 1, 2015
James DriskillThis video regarding our SMS chat
posted to facebook is PRIVATE ! This is PT 1
and PT 2 is uploading
6/1, 2:11pm 6/1, 2:51pm 6/1, 3:05pm 6/1, 3:05pm 6/1, 3:06pm 6/1, 3:06pm 6/1, 3:08pmJames DriskillThis
would have been nice for you to have realized within my space. Perhaps
we can build some true bonding friendship and begin again.
6/1, 3:09pm 6/1, 3:20pm 6/1, 3:54pmSammie FrancherI
accept you apologies and one more thing I've never just showed up at
your place i always text you to let u. Know that im coming over or i
would ask you could i come over i never just showed up there. Derrick
has but i never. Which you apologies for. And complain i didn't complain
about helping you get your t.v. from derrick what i say if you would
read the message that after i help you get your t.v. you tell me to fuck
off. But now that's done we could move on
6/1, 4:01pmSammie FrancherAnd
the ice cream i wasn't mad about the ice cream im glad you ate it and i
told you that. And to offer you anything i have or had nothing to offer
you. The only thing i could offer you is my friendship and my time. I
mean i get food stamp but not on the card until. The 5th of every month
6/1, 4:01pmSammie FrancherOther than that i have nothing to offer you
And i apologize for my behavior and giving you the silent treatment
6/1, 4:05pm 6/1, 4:05pmJames DriskillYou
say you never just showed up at my door? I take it that you have not
played my video parts 1 and 2 yet. Can you explain this?
6/1, 4:10pm 6/1, 4:10pmJames DriskillThat
exchange you at my front door --- without an invite -- without a notice
occurred on May 1st. And don't say there is an accompany a4a message
that corresponds with it.
6/1, 4:28pm 6/1, 4:28pmJames DriskillOnly one message I received from you on A4a on May 1st --- that was
6/1, 4:31pmSammie Francherthat's not telling me nothing and its not showing me any proof that I just showed up because I never just showed up
6/1, 4:41pm 6/1, 4:41pmJames Driskillat
1:39am --- but at 7:11pm you showed up at my door wanting me to come
let you in. I did not respond and you asked a couple of minutes later if
I was home. Your statement is UNTRUE.
you fail to accept this here in PRIVATE --- lets post that image to
your wall and ask your friends to analise your statements and the sms
chat truth.
6/1, 4:54pmSammie Francherok
I remember that yes I did come that day because before I left there we
had already discussed that was coming back over so if that's so why
woul;d I have to comfirm that if I could come over or not if you already
gave me the ok beforer I left it doesn't make sense to do so
6/1, 5:37pm 6/1, 5:38pm 6/1, 5:39pmSammie Francherso
what do this all comes down to are we friends again and love each other
as friends or are we going to keep going on and on about this
- June 14, 2015
James Driskilllet thought you would like to listen to TES --- speak some thing instead of sing
James Driskilllet thought you would like to listen to TES --- speak some thing instead of sing
- June 24, 2015
6/24, 6:57am- July 6, 2015
7/6, 3:11am 7/6, 3:14amJames DriskillThis
phenomenon has even been measured scientifically. For example,
researchers have found that not only can humans use intention to
influence the behavior of otherwise randomly-behaving machines, but that
connected couples working together – that is, people “on the same
wavelength” – have the ability to exert even greater influence [1].
Taking a lead from these results, researchers Dean Radin
and Roger Nelson of Princeton placed random-output devices at a variety
of intense community venues: music concerts, sporting events, and even
Burning Man gatherings in Nevada. The results were significant and
nothing short of mind-boggling. As the researchers predicted, the
machines did indeed deviate from their otherwise normal random behavior
in the presence of these collective “high vibe” events [2, 3].
- July 8, 2015
7/8, 8:12pm 7/8, 8:13pm 7/8, 8:17pm 7/8, 8:29pm 7/8, 8:33pm- July 9, 2015
7/9, 1:11pm- August 8, 2015
 James DriskillI have purchased this T-Shift. Go figure It would be used today to have to explain myself to you. I paid for my ticket --- $10 contribution to the event.
I paid for my raffle -- the last $3 in my wallet In that payment
CONTROL AND FREEDOM of MY DAY and MY EVENING forward. You absolutely are in error of your thoughts --- you are challenged mistaken. Why you suffer from this challenge is beyond me at this point in our relationship. You
really ought to watch your tongue [ as it stays with your finger [ or
if you use speech to text tool ] ] --- written words are permanant and
with that permanence one should really be truly considerate of their
points of view. As if you were hand writing a letter to me --- in
that consideration is what I DESERVE and I DESIRE and I RESPECTFULLY and
DEMANDING now from you as friend and a person to whom I respect and
admire overall --- Thank you.
Warning! Dangerously Wise Sign by creativenergy Available
as T-Shirts & Hoodies, Stickers, Pouches, Home Decors, Prints,
Cards, iPad Cases, Laptop Skins, Drawstring Bags, and Laptop Sleeves Redbubble 8/8, 8:21pmSammie FrancherSo
therefore I'm not the only one that feels this or seen it happen so I'm
not just talking what I seen and felt is the way I'm dishing it out. To
you when you start owning up to your mistakes and be a man instead of
bttm less cum bucket we will be better understood. And as far as me
suffering from anything is something I don't do challenge to me is not a
suffer. It is what it is a challenge and that you're not . And I want
to thank you for the little support you gave I never denied that
8/8, 8:31pm 8/8, 8:33pmSammie FrancherOf course you don't. Whatever I'm just over people period
8/8, 8:34pmJames DriskillYou
are not making any sense on what I said -- and I am making sense to
Lucky in seperate window -- we all should go to the group conversation
to talk. It is open -- but you continue to want to put me down --
instead of forming an understanding of what happened.
8/8, 8:35pm- December 12, 2015
12/12, 2:17amJames DriskillThis
is called [ "Recombinant Memetics" ] Recombinant memetics is the study
of how memes (ideas that spread from person to person) can be adjusted
and merged with other memes and memeplexes (a cohesive collection of
memes ) for beneficial or socially therapeutic' purposes.
12/12, 4:21am- December 12, 2015
12/12, 9:32amSammie FrancherGive
this heart to everyone you don't want to lose in "2016" including me if
you care. Try to collect 12 it's not easy! Be honest and send this to
anyone that made u smile
12/12, 9:34am 12/12, 10:59am 12/12, 11:00am- December 12, 2015
12/12, 7:00pm- December 24, 2015
12/24, 11:48pmJames DriskillThe
Modeator of HIV LONG TERM SURVIORS CENSTORS MY POSTS as they started to
point to JAMAL GRAHAM at Fuckeduphuman.net --- but left of the other
comments emainng --- I therefore have gad to REAFFIIRM my TRUTH is a
REAL TRUTH to this story.....
See what shows as of BEING CENSORED --- My email present in Jamal Graham's FUCKEDUPHUMAN.NET folder REMAINS --- UNTOUCHED.
- December 25, 2015
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/good-nonfiction-writing-begins-research-john-manuel-andriote?trk=hp-feed-article-title-publish John-Manuel Andriote published a post
Communication Pro ISO Job/Consulting Opportunities Good nonfiction writing begins with good research
John-Manuel Andriote on LinkedIn book--focused on the subject of gay men's resilience. The book emerges from earl… James Driskill
As I have introduced you to a STORY upon my first introduction on
Facebook this morning [ CHRISMAS DAY 2015 ], I am following through with
both my TWITTER ACCOUNT and my LinkedIn Account here. As I said, MY
12/25, 2:35pm 12/25, 2:36pm- December 26, 2015
James DriskillSammie --- I added a bunch of new items to the WISH LIST from AMAZON for this space here -- Awesome !!
- December 31, 2015
12/31, 7:31pm- January 3
1/3, 6:49pmSammie Francherhey Sammie....smile emoticon Happy New year, but please you and James Driskill keep your fights guys out of the group...Thank you....
James DriskillTOUGH
LOVE dear is perhaps where I do some of my considerations of advice
offered to you. If you listen to my feed of things, which of course you
can't, you would see how I used facebook. Not the same as you. Thank
 Monday, January 25 at 6:30pm in EST Otis Library in Norwich, Connecticut 4 people joined |
- March 13
3/13, 11:01am- March 13
3/13, 2:08pmSammie FrancherWhy are you converting with Joshua
3/13, 2:15pmJames DriskillI'm
placing that Playlist in every single channel that I have open.. but as
the profile between us is blocked --- I am sure it did not get
transferred through to him. But it was a channel that had your name in
Average single Channel I have open in your name
3/13, 2:17pm- March 14
3/14, 6:11pmSammie FrancherLets keep it going I really could use one
- March 16
3/16, 2:48pm- April 13
4/13, 5:11pm- April 16
4/16, 9:55amJames DriskillHey Sanmie --- I have updated your files on @Gruwup Persons Folder ---
First off - I hope you don't mind me taking an image from your photos here on facebook to create this:
4/16, 9:55am- April 20
4/20, 2:17pm- May 3
5/3, 8:24pm- May 4
5/4, 4:30pm- May 9
5/9, 1:43am 5/9, 1:44amJames DriskillPlace against them by this space and publicly visible by anyone who cares.
- May 14
 5/14, 8:22pmJames DriskillSammie,
I am just learning about the history of this event tonight -- I don't
care what manner in which you come here -- and blow and smoke away your
time and desire to interface to the mediums of lessons and things here
--- and then allow this space to be in space of any disorder at any mere
fraction of reason why - you put yourself into this space -- and defy
order and my reasons for the guidance rules here for peace --- and then
when all hell breaks loose like this kind of thing of history -- where
they can get away with it because we all are in fact way way out of
fucking control !!! I bet I could make some assessmens of the other
places you so call visit and play into with "under the influence" of the
chemical we have shared in common --you think this world is about no
barriers and no limits and no controls over these things -- when they
are to be carefully consideered into the mix of all things plausable.
Actually you already have one time of disorder that put you into the
hospitial one night not so long ago -- why should I trust your world of
no time limits is not driving itself to this kind of overtaking --
because it proballblly is. This is bad ass open to be done -- without a
voice or concern of the public -- because utlmately it is not about the
chemical, not about crime, is it about the choas and about perhaps the
racial divide that still embeded into the predicuces of our society that
then allows this to happen such as it of history. Nothing that drastic
has changed that it does not again have course to happen and happen and
happen -- for these thing sare in the media today. ... maybe not so
close to denver -- but give them an excuse to just cross over the line
-- and they will I guarantee -- and they will success --- if in fact no
one is paying attention -- what does my messages to the POPE say about
the messages I have tried to empower this space upon this communtiy?
they are ignoring this space to that extrmee -- So give me the essence
of understnaidng and allow me to control this space and protect all of
what is here -- to the declations of when this could be in progress
against the walls and mission here -- because -- we don't know these
things and allow the repeating cycle of these injustices to main stream
drive them into our rights of way. For that is in fact one of the
reasons why i am doing this in the manner to which I am in documentation
mode for even apparently in history event, they were self-documenting
but still the world outside did not care -- and this went off like the
bomb it was -- and it apparently did not hit the main news at alll -- it
was not until 2 years later that apparently it hit the PBS
investigation of FRONTLINE brings it into a calling for truth and who is
at fault for this careless actions of police authroity out of control!
Why do we think Denver is any different? It is not! Most the US citizens
watch and revere the network not public news sources over PBS and this
event went ignored even to this day , I bet -- it has never been
covered. Hiv/Aids is under emphasised in the same way. Gay issues are
under emphasied in the same way . will hold my nose to the know of it
--- What the fuck do you think this is, when we don't do the right
things here this is the calling they [ authorities ] think they can over
run into oblivion!!! This one of history apparently is in the know but
not I did know this --- did you? Did you even see it come though
facebook feeds - I just caught it in pagan way world. I bet you didn't :
perhaps you should watch this complete --- or fuck you and your need to
be playing GOD here over the run and rule of the class lesson plan and
the resources of food and other things of offering without your
replacements -- and then you think you have standing here long term --
GO FUCK OFF if you don't see how fucking upset I am at you overall and
class of assoications that are from your network clan of attitudes --
and you call yourself a decent person -- when what fuck happened --- you
got into my car --when it was classified as STOLEN! Just htat alone --
begs you to MAKE IT AMENDED to the CLASS you make it RIGHT by knowing it
-- all of this is on you not me to up to the community and say -- don't
fuck with James any more --- for you have fucked with the wrong person
-- he actually is a good one of for us to follow -- and we were wrong to
think otherwise. :!!! God forbid yourself upon our future --- our youth
disaster of giving no moral lessons from, somewhere -- I am shocked you
are still here -- and not in jail yet. In your homelessnes to claim its
any kind of justifiied living here in Denver -- when it iobviously not
the present of mine they desire to have in the streets --- for there are
actually no resources to help you --- for that is the reason why they
are not giving me referral asssitces -- they want you to go find
something else or find yourself into differences of additudes I am sure
-- that is the problematic issues they will never discuss with me
: I can't make anyone talk - but the rumor is out -- and out it is -- we
justify this space by the moral class it is support to activate -- but
youwant to remain the same -- and you can't any more --- don't bother to
defend these words of critique against you -- I am aware more aware of
the racial issues of in these matters way way obviously -- don't get
yourself into too much trouble out in the streets -- I hope you are off
that line of invalid thinking is a way to be : It is not about the drugs
or the racial class or even the apparent HIV sufferance of homeless
jeparodiing health issues -- for they obviiosyly have a bias not not
care -- and they don't care -- but they should I call upon them to care
-- I wonder if I actually will get a calling back -- but I doubt it --
even though I have a calling to THE POPE's WORDS on these issues -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eHpRjxk7N4
5/14, 8:23pm 5/14, 8:23pmJames DriskillYou did not see it - you could not have read the entire address that quick.
Pause on SEEN -- [ check ] yep thank you
5/14, 8:39pmSammie FrancherExactly
yes I did and whatever rumor you heard like I told you stop listening
to everything you heard. And no I'm not homeless anymore. so when you
see those people who told you that. You tell them to fuck off and stop
being stupid
5/14, 8:40pmJames DriskillYou
were homeless and you never told me the other status -- an update would
be nice -- hell I am here at the times when you called upon help in
those needs -- when that which time you reached yourself out of it ===
perhaps a THANK YOU JAMES would have been nice to have been received.
5/14, 8:42pmJames DriskillI
never sald anything to anyone about homeless in your class -- it a
mater of record that it is your history -- so which apparently you
forgot to include me into notice of anything different -- don't bother
thinking I suould be on your timeline and paying attention to your post
-- it is out side of that communcations -- good grief!
5/14, 8:43pmSammie FrancherIt's
been posted on Facebook. I know you've seen it. And this is the first
time we actually talked so I'm going to say thank you for everything
5/14, 8:46pmJames DriskillI
juast crossed over an explicnation that that does not justify your
mission of commucnation notice -- you don't realize that fact -- in all
of those things - it is of extra effort to make that graidude address to
me -- or it does not make the grade of difference that I would value of
it anyway -- so -- no need to go off now and Thank you -- fhe channel
was always open for that --- you did not think it important to you back
to me. So is not belittled onto this discussion --- for that is the fact
-- perhaps something other in replacement could service that -- but I
don't think you are in the understanding I am 50 years old wiser than
you .
5/14, 8:46pmJames Driskill50 years old and wiser than you -- -opps
what I just said is true - which I only state truths -- this
invalidates your position of " I know you've seen it. " -- do you not
see that truth ?
I have not seen dealing with my own issues of nightmare --- recently --
Jay for one - which in the end -- from the call recording of April 21st
I am getting out of the email I sent to my boyfriend --
5/14, 8:54pm 5/14, 8:54pm 5/14, 8:55pmJames DriskillOh but you did not know you could attach mp3s in a chat here? there is no option.
5/14, 8:57pmSammie FrancherWhatever where is this going because it's really long drawing
5/14, 8:57pmJames DriskillOVER
5/14, 8:58pmSammie FrancherSo how do you want me to do that if I'm not in your presence
5/14, 8:59pmJames Driskillare
you actually listening to this call -- if not you don't understad jhis
manmilative forces that were exposed later -- I am seriously upset at
this fuicked up mentality of malkitive forces -- I am actually at crying
level in this call --- almost ---
5/14, 9:01pm 5/14, 9:03pmJames Driskillso have you made to the point wrhere I hactually began cryhing 0--
5/14, 9:04pm 5/14, 9:06pmJames DriskillApplication to a school --- impress my life that you are quality above quanity -- and to make an impression -- right ?
I did not initate this call
5/14, 9:08pm 5/14, 9:08pmJames DriskillAnd
now it has a classivcation of hurmorous function agains tmy needds -
hje is self present to his knowing this is a game to him
gigle gigilge gigle nhon seriousness to my needs
fuck him and fuck you -- if you can't get it real
5/14, 9:10pmSammie FrancherOK now let's get to the point where is this going
Like I said this long drawing and pointless at the moment
5/14, 9:13pmJames DriskillNow
wee have am example of something that has GOT SERIOUSLY WRONG for weeks
and weeks -- this finally breaks out from this -- last week - so why do
you think in terms of this that I am dealing with this guy in matters
back and forth that I am paying attentiont o your timeline dear. You are
not that fucking important -- over this shit ! am documenting is
ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIIPS --- intentionally placed into a diesigned focused
into my space -- why do you think I consider this a sonspiracy -- for a
normal person would not over-fide their presence of mind at this first
very intitation of a relreationshiop and BREAK that BARrIERO at my
CALLING FOR NOT -- go get clude -- this is fucked up fucked up fucked
you the source of this? Or is Bobby -- showing such distane and hate on
that BlowTalkRadio broadcast episide recording - ithat is under
questionable suspeision -- and your response to that I deserved to get
hit in the face.
oops did you forget you said that?
5/14, 9:18pmSammie FrancherFor
your information once again enough of the envy because I am the
importance and it's not my fault that you're not. That's the reason why
we're having this conversation right
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